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ImmuneWatch demonstrated their advanced TCR-epitope interaction annotation tool, ImmuneWatch DETECT, at the AIRR Community Meeting VII held from June 3-6, 2024 in Porto.
Join Prof. dr. Pieter Meysman in a webinar exploring the applications of TCR-epitope prediction models in analysing immune responses. Discover how machine learning can identify epitope-specific T-cells, with a live demo of ImmuneWatch DETECT by Dr. Sander Wuyts.
Discover the latest updates to ImmuneWatch DETECT, based on user feedback! New features include HLA information for predicted epitopes, multiple epitope analysis, a beta feature for motif exploration, and a new HTML output option to enhance TCR sequencing data analysis.
We are thrilled to announce the official launch of ImmuneWatch DETECT, a state-of-the-art bioinformatics tool designed to help researchers uncover the epitope specificity of T-cell receptors (TCRs).
In a new study led by ImmuneWatch co founders, Prof. Kris Laukens, Prof. Pieter Meysman and Prof. Benson Ogunjimi at the University of Antwerp, researchers have unveiled new insights into how the diversity of T cell receptors (TCRs) influences susceptibility to herpes zoster (HZ), commonly known as shingles.
Are you ready to change the way you interpret your TCR sequencing data? We’re thrilled to announce the launch of our ImmuneWatch DETECT Early Access Program – a unique opportunity for innovators that are using TCR sequencing.
To know the efficacy of your cancer vaccine, it is crucial to analyse the T cell response. Because of its versatility, TCR sequencing is a rising tool to monitor such immune responses. However, the full potential of TCR sequencing remains unrealised at present.
We are excited to share our recent win in the IMMREP23 Kaggle competition focused on TCR (T-cell receptor) specificity prediction. This win is a testament to our team’s expertise in implementing advanced machine learning in immunology.
Machine learning, with its potential to revolutionise the field of immunology, isn’t immune to the pitfalls of biased data. That is a cautious lesson discussed in a new academic publication by ImmuneWatch co-founders Prof. Kris Laukens and Prof. Pieter Meysman.
Each infection, vaccine, cancer cell or autoimmune disease can leave a telltale signature in your collection of T cells, the TCR repertoire. That is a consequence of how your immune system recognises and memorises intruders.
A new study co-authored by ImmuneWatch’s co-founders, Pieter Meysman, Benson Ogunjimi and Kris Laukens, analysed the role of T cells in the severity of COVID-19 and the specificity of their response to SARS-CoV-2, demonstrating the power of AI in unravelling this complex immune response.
After two years HIHR is happy to reconnect again to Flanders Bio and to organise its 12th pitch-edition in Antwerp on May 31, 2023 with Quickfire sessions scheduled the week before.
We are excited that our abstract “Implementing Artificial Intelligence in the vaccine development process” has been selected for a pitch at Knowledge for Growth!
We are happy to announce that our CTO, Pieter Meysman, has been invited as a speaker at the Cross-Regional Pitch & Match session on Next Generation Vaccines & Immunotherapy.
Are you looking to implement AI in your vaccine development process? Meet reverse vaccinology: An AI-driven procedure that allows vaccinologists to determine potential vaccine targets in a faster, cheaper, and more sustainable fashion.
ImmuneWatch, Quantoom Biosciences (“Quantoom”) and UAntwerp (Lab of Experimental Hematology) are delighted to announce a public-private partnership in a project under the “Pandemic Preparedness” call, launched by the University of Antwerp in 2022.
ImmuneWatch, a Belgian university spinoff specialising in monitoring and predicting immune responses, has been awarded an innovation grant of € 94.000 from the city of Antwerp.
We are thrilled to announce that Pieter Meysman (CTO) and Benson Ogunjimi (Medical Director), both co-founders of ImmuneWatch, received the GSK Vaccines 2022 award by the Belgian Royal Academy of Medicine.
Predicting the cognate epitope target of a T-cell receptor (TCR) with machine learning has been the subject of many academic studies. It is also something we heavily work on at ImmuneWatch.
We’re thrilled to announce we’ve been named a Deep Tech Pioneer by Hello Tomorrow! From more than 4000 of applications our solution has been selected by a team of experts who saw real potential in our technology.
The Belgian university spin-off received a development grant totalling to € 130.000 to further develop their VaccineWatch platform. The company specialises in monitoring and predicting immune responses using artificial intelligence.
There’s a new start-up in the Flemish field of biotechnology. The University of Antwerp and Antwerp University Hospital announce their new spin-off: ImmuneWatch.
Professor Kris Laukens (University of Antwerp / ImmuneWatch) receives an award from the AstraZeneca Foundation, after selection by independent juries of the FWO (Scientific Research Fund) and the FNRS (Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique).
On the 18th of May 2022, VIB and are organising the 8th edition of their State of the Union. This event is part of the Knowledge for Growth which connects the Belgian life sciences community.
At ImmuneWatch, we embrace machine learning and (interpretable) deep learning in immunology. Based on T-cell sequencing data, we specialise in predicting what epitope a specific T-cell receptor will bind to.
Thinking about interrogating the T-cell response using single-cell sequencing technologies? Good idea! The combination of transcriptomic- and repertoire information can provide novel insight into the functional character of T cell immunity and provides paired αβ TCR repertoire data.
“Immunosequencing of T cells, combined with machine learning techniques, may enable scientists to predict which patients will have early, strong protection against hepatitis B infection following vaccination.”
Omicron, the latest SARS-COV-2 variant of concern is characterized by a large number of mutations. In our first white paper, we evaluate the effect of these mutations on T-cell immunity by applying a T-cell receptor (TCR)/epitope interaction model.
We are happy to announce that we have been selected to pitch our startup at “Immunity for Health 2021” in Ghent on October 14, 2021.
Our CTO, Pieter Meysman is invited by Lexogen to give a webinar on the topic of: “Why are Vaccines Effective in Some Individuals but Not in Others?”
ImmuneWatch is featured on Z-HealthCare. Watch the video here:
An article and video on Z-innovation mentions ImmuneWatch in November 2019.
For the 60th anniversary of Roche, Roche Diagnostics Belgium organised a Research Grant Competition where teams competed for a 20K research grant in the area of digital diagnostics.